Director General FIA Dr. Sanaullah Abbasi, PSP along with the team of FIA Directors visited the main campus of National University of
Sciences and Technology (NUST).
Upon their arrival at NUST, the esteemed guests were received by Pro Rector RIC Dr Rizwan Riaz. A one-on-one meeting between Pro Rector RIC
and Director NCSAEL Dr. Haider Abbas with DG FIA was followed by a comprehensive presentation on NCSAEL projects and aspects of
collaboration between NCSAEL and the FIA, attended by FIA’s senior management. Afterward, the honorable guest and his team were shown the
NCSAEL projects demonstrations by Director NCSAEL, Dr. Haider Abbas.
In his remarks, DG FIA commended NCSAEL for its achievements and the exponential growth in a short span, earning it a reputable name in
the field of Cyber Security. The DG FIA also praised the NCSAEL team for laying special emphasis on applied research and innovation, and
taking some of the trailblazing R&D initiatives aimed at the improvement of Pakistan global Cyber Security standing.